art + science | research + studio practice | drawing + sculpture

Ingrid A. Erickson

Born 1980, Williamstown, Massachusetts

Lives and works in Salisbury, North Carolina




June 2008, K-12 Studio Art Certification, Maine College of Art, Portland, ME.

June 2003, B.A. History of Art, Studio Art minor, magna cum laude, Middlebury College, Middlebury, VT.



2022                                                                                                                                                                                                    The Pollinator Project, Maria V. Howard Arts Center, Rocky Mount, NC


Wonder Room: A Cabinet of Natural Curiosities, Surel’s Place Gallery, Boise, Idaho.

Lift, The Nature Art Gallery, NC State Museum of Natural Sciences, Raleigh. works in cut paper, Cultural Resources Division, Town Hall Gallery, Cary, NC.


Natural History, Room 100 Gallery, Durham Art Guild, Durham, NC.

Chapel Hill Cultural Arts Division, Chapel Hill, NC.


Wingspans, Colquitt County Arts Center, Moultrie, GA.

Osteology installation, Artspace, Raleigh, NC.


Recent Work, Artspace, Raleigh, NC.

Talons: Works in Cut Paper, Cornelius Arts Center, Cornelius, NC.

Blade/Paper/Bird, The Carrack, Durham, NC.




(Un)Common Connections, Waterworks Visual Arts Center, Salisbury, NC.


Art of A Scientist, Duke University, Durham, NC.

Urban Wildlife: Learning to Co-Exist, Creature Conserve, Providence, RI.

Urban Wildlife: Learning to Co-Exist, The National Museum of Wildlife Art, Jackson Hole, WY.


Audubon Artist Residency at Hog Island Alumni Exhibition, The Project Puffin Visitor Center, Rockland, ME.

Dialog: PAPER, Ingrid Erickson & Hope Holmes, The Grand Gallery, Golden Belt Studios, Durham, NC.


(RE)ACTION: Art of a Scientist 2019, Golden Belt Studios, Durham, NC.


Winter Show, Green Hill, Greensboro, NC.

Urban Wildlife: Learning to Coexist, Rhode Island School of Design/RISD, Providence, RI.

Beauty of the Beast, GreenHill, Greensboro, NC.

Art of a Scientist, Rubenstein Arts Center, Duke University, Durham, NC.



2023, Arts and Science Council (ASC) Artist Support Grant, NC.

April 2022, Fiskars Artist in Residence, Rasepoori, Finland.

February 11 -March 3, 2020, The Sitka Center for Art and Ecology, Otis, OR.

October 2019, Surel’s Place Artist Residency, Boise, ID.

2019, AS.IF Center: ART+SCIENCE in the Field Residency, High Cove, NC.

May 1-31, 2019, Nes Artist Residency, Skagastrond, Iceland.

September 4-24, 2018, Bloedel Reserve artist residency, Bainbridge Island, WA.

August 2018, Hog Island Audubon Residency, Bremen, ME.

May 2018, Guest Artist, Duke Lemur Center, Durham, NC.

April 10-29, 2018, The Hambidge Center for Arts and Sciences, Rabun Gap, GA.

March 5-29, 2018, Newnan ArtRez, Newnan, GA.

March 2018, The Hollis Trust, artist grant, $2,000, in support of public art project with area youth.

February 2018, selected for Creative Capital Professional Development Program, NC Arts and Science Council, Charlotte, NC.

2018 Regional Artist Project Grant, $1,895, North Carolina Arts and Science Council, Charlotte, NC.

January 2018, Penland Winter Residency, Penland School of Crafts, Penland, NC.

September 25-29, 2017, Guest Artist, The International Crane Foundation, Baraboo, Wisconsin.

May 1-17, 2017, Patuxent Wildlife Research Center, Laurel, MD; guest artist and crane chick rearing volunteer.

May 8-21, 2016, Vermont Studio Center Artist Residency, Johnson, VT.

2016 CSA (Community Supported Art) Artist Award, $2,000, North Carolina Arts and Science Council, Charlotte, NC.

January 17-23, 2016, Penland Winter Residency, Penland School of Crafts, Penland, NC.

November 2015, selected for Creative Capital Professional Development Program, NC Arts and Science Council, Charlotte, NC.

2015 Regional Artist Project Grant, $1,164, North Carolina Arts and Science Council, Charlotte, NC.

September 15-August 13, 2012, Jentel Artist Residency, Sheridan, WY.


2019, Toe River Arts, Public Art Commission, Signal Pole Wraps Project, Burnsville, NC.

October 2018-2019, Town of Chapel Hill, Public Art Commission by invitation, Chapel Hill, NC.